Qué es una artroscopia y qué ventajas tiene sobre otros tratamientos?
La Artroscopia es una técnica quirúrgica mínimamente invasiva que consiste en la introducción de un lente con una cámara de video dentro de una articulación a través de unas incisiones diminutas de no más de 5 milímetros. De esta manera, el cirujano se “miniaturiza” y puede acceder fácilmente a toda la articulación, visualizando las estructuras que la componen de una manera incluso mejor que si la tuviera expuesta totalmente por una gran incisión. Gracias a esto, los procedimientos que se realizan por esta técnica son de muy rápida recuperación, mucho menos dolorosos, y con una morbilidad (tasa de complicaciones) mucho menor que mediante las técnicas tradicionales abiertas, siempre y cuando se realicen por cirujanos entrenados en esta técnica.


La artroscopia es un procedimiento médico que utiliza un sistema óptico para poder ver en el interior de las articulaciones. El artroscopio consiste en un tubo con una cámara, conectado a un vídeo que permite ir viendo el interior de la articulación.
El artroscopio contiene en su interior canalizaciones que permiten: inyectar líquido y hacer un lavado de la articulación, insuflar aire o aspirar y tomar muestras de la superficie articular, introducir unas micropinzas para la realización de biopsias y tomar muestras de tejido para su estudio anatomopatológico, introducir microtijeras, pinzas…para realizar intervenciones en los elementos de la articulación (meniscos, ligamentos, superficie articular).
Como técnica quirúrgica permite resolver determinados problemas articulares sin necesidad de abrir la articulación, reduciendo los riesgos y permitiendo una recuperación mucho más rápida del paciente.
La artroscopia está indicada como prueba complementaria en el proceso diagnóstico de problemas articulares: artritis, lesiones articulares por traumatismos o accidentes, lesiones en ligamentos y tendones (especialmente frecuentes en deportistas), derrames, cuadros dolorosos, etc.
En la rodilla, los problemas que con mayor frecuencia son tratados mediante artroscopia son, las lesiones de los meniscos, de los ligamentos cruzados, las lesiones de los cartílagos articulares, rigidez, tendinitis (inflamación de los tendones), fracturas, o bursitis (inflamación de pequeñas bolsas de líquido sinovial que antúan de cojinetes bajo los tendones de los músculos).
En el hombro, la artroscopia puede utilizarse en casos de luxaciones recidivantes (que se repiten), lesiones de la cápsula articular, síndrome subacromial, sinovitis (inflación de la cápsula sinovial que rodea a la articulación), rigidez o fracturas.
También se utiliza la artroscopia en lesiones de codo (bursitis, fracturas, cuerpos libres intraarticulares, etc.), de muñeca (fracturas, gangliones, etc.)- , de cadera (bursitis, cuerpos libres intraarticulares, sinovitis, etc.), y en el pie y el tobillo (rigidez, sinovitis, fracturas, tendinitis, etc.
From the Italian arthroscopy group to the to Italian arthroscopy association: the development of arthroscopy in Italy
By F.Pellaci MD

The beginning of our story: the birth of GIA (Italian arthroscopy group)
September 1980 is for arthroscopy in Italy a historical date. Some particular events made possible the meeting of those who would give the birth to Italian arthroscopy group. The event where me, Luigi Frizziero, Pier Paolo Mariani and Piero Montenangi met togheter in a starry summer evening was “Bormio’s course” organized by M. Magi.
In that meeting we discussed all the possible developments of arthroscopy which was slowly becoming a performed technique in the surgical scenario.
The first who talked about arthroscopy in Italy were Chini in 1941 and Luccherini in 1946, and in 1947 Filippo Vecchione practised the first arthroscopy surgery using German Vaubel instrument. His results were published on “Orthopaedics’ Archive” in the same year.
In 1950 A. Santacroce and G. Banfo realized the first Italian device (see the pic) introduced at 35th SIOT Meeting.
In 1971 at 56th SIOT Meeting G. Perretti and G. Randelli reported their unfortunately limited knee’s arthroscopy experiences that have been important for all the further arthroscopy improvements in Italy.
In 1978 thank to G. Sgarbi and L. Gui who allow me to use an operating room I began to practise arthroscopy with the help of V. Alecci.
It was an exciting but hard period because due to the lack of publications about this technique we were as pioneers in a new world. After Bormio’s Course we work hard to give birth to Italian Arthroscopy Group contacting all those who were interested in arthroscopy development issues.
In October 1980 we founded Italian Arthroscopy Group among the distrust of many colleagues belonging to classic surgical world . They called us “vouyers” because we didn’t operate opening doors but we used to operate watching from the keyhole. But all this scepticism around us made our group and our friendship stronger.
Pioneers of Arthroscopy
The pioneer spirit of the first years gave us the opportunity to involve even more colleagues in the use and the improvement of arthroscopy. But these years were also hard for all of us. Operating rooms and modern devices were still missing and the time for this kind of surgical technique was still long. Nowadays would be impossible to operate with a needlescope (an arthroscopic needle) that didn’t allow to us to watch but mostly to imagine. Engine devices and suction pump were still missing too but thank to that pioneer spirit we overcame all these troubles. Being the forerunners of arthroscopy, we were the keepers of this knowledge but we didn’t keep it for us and answered without any jealousy to all the questions coming from the others colleagues. The initial distrust around our work helped to create a genuine cooperation’s spirit and many of those who were young in that period now are MD or PHiD thank to our teaching and to our “fellowship”.
The intent of developing arthroscopy turned soon in the realization of the first Italian arthroscopy handbook written by me and published by Aulo Gaggi in 1983. In this book I focused my attention mostly on the technique and on the arthroscopic knee’s anatomy. In the same period M Benazzi wrote his handbook based on the importance of arthroscopy in the sporting traumatology and in 1984 P.P. Mariani wrote a book focused on meniscus surgery. Arthroscopy became very popular when many famous football players have been operated and the press rumours around them made this technique more familiar. In 1986 I organized at Rizzoli Institute the 1st theoretical-practical arthroscopy course. The success of this event was impressive showing off how faster was growing the interest around arthroscopy and I can say all SIA’s members participated at my course. Anyway everybody of us organized important scientific meetings developing arthroscopy technique. These meeting were organised in many Italian cities by P. Aglietti (Florence), M. Benazzi (Pavia) , M. Bianchi (Milan) ,A.Branca (Bormio), G. Cerulli (Terni and Perugia), G.C. Coari (Forte dei Marmi), A. Delcogliano e C. Fabbriciani (Rome), L. Frizziero (Bologna), M. Gandolfi (Verona), P.P. Mariani (Rome), R. Minola (Milan), P.Montemagni (Turin) ,G. Nazzi (Turin), L. Pederzini (Modena), R. Pessina (Vimercate), F. Priano (Genoa), F.Quaglia (Turin), R.Viola (Sandrigo) and R. Zini (Pesaro). If I forgot to mention someone I apologise. In arthroscopy’s development an important contribution came also from arthroscopy devices companies that organized main international meetings . SIA is thankful to these companies.
In 1988 Mariani organized in Rome the 6th National Conference. Italian arthroscopy group in few years had brought arthroscopy from an initial dream to a developed and practised technique.
Arthroscopy was fast being practised in many operations which only few years before belonged to classic surgery: LCA reconstruction, shoulder joint, elbow joint and ankle joint.
In 1995 with Bianchi as president we decided to involve more our members , many committees
were founded the teaching was entrusted to Carlo fabbriciani, events organization to Donato Rosa, new members section to Ettore Sabetta and foreign relationships to Luigi Pederzini.
Birth of SIA
The 6th of February of the next year, with Bianchi as president, GIA modified his statute and members decided to change name in SIA (Italian Arthroscopy Association). That which was only few years before more a fellowship became a strong scientific association. But cooperation spirit of the first period wasn’t lost and the older members helped the younger to grow. All the members of leading committee have chosen in all these years the philosophy of “know how” keeping SIA away from the envy of power’s circles.
With Pellaci as president during the period 1999-2001 important decisions has been taken.
  1. A specific place for our young under 40 members (Young Lions): the younger are the “becoming” of the same association and one of the main SIA mission is to improve their skills and their know how to let SIA growing in the future. The deed to check the validity of scheduled work is entrusted to a task composed by Riccardo Minola, Luigi Pederzini and Antonio Delcogliano. The scientific meetings of this new committee were organised by Riccardo Minola in Milan and Donato Rosa in Naples. The meetings in Naples are thought to reduce the distances between SIA and middle-south Italian members giving them the opportunity to have a closer meeting point. SIA wants to be close to all its members organizing scientific meetings even in south and in the islands. Even these events have been always a success.
  2. October 2000 can be considered another historic date. Thank to Riccardo Minola borns the first SIA magazine : Artroscopia. The magazine has important collaborations , a specific place for the younger members and an eye on new e- technologies.
  3. SIA instituted the Regional Delegated to root SIA in every Italian region with specific and important branches.
SIA is a growing association with more than thousand members. New members, new sponsorhips for events and meetings come every day. Thank to arthroscopy we created something new, big and important, consolidating our friendship during these years and giving to the new generations the opportunity to improve their work and to develop arthroscopy in even more further applications.

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